Oh, the infamous dick pic. They've been getting men in trouble since long before the smartphone, and probably will continue to do so until humanity finally evolves into a single gender.
Dick pics aren't always bad: Just never send one that's unsolicited and you'll probably be fine. In fact, dicks can be kinda of cute, if you catch them in the right light.
At least that's what this anonymous Tumblr user thought, and it's hard to disagree. His NSFW blog is called Things My Dick Does and, frankly, it's pretty adorable. Basically, he added some fake arms and a face to his dong, and now he photographs it getting into various hijinks and shenanigans.
Here are some slightly censored photos so you can see what we're talking about:
The blog has become so popular that the guy running it has even started selling stickers. They look something like this:Somehow he's managed to pull off posting multiple pictures of his penis, in various stages of arousal, to the Internet every day, and it just comes off as cute. The rest of us have a lot to learn from this anonymous hero: Good lighting technique if nothing else.
Photo via Things My Dick Does/Tumblr