Erica seems like a nice enough girl, albeit kind of demanding for someone you've never met. In her first Tumblr message, she calls you "darling" and asks you to test her new video game, barely pausing to ask how you're doing. (She's a game developer, by the way. Erica the Game Developer.)
Except, of course, Erica isn't real, and neither is her game. Anyone with an ounce of Internet savvy can tell that Erica is a spambot, and she just wants you to download a virus.
Tumblr is relatively good at discouraging spam messages, but a handful manage to make it through. And for some reason, Erica is the most persistent. Armed with a legion of disposable accounts, she circumvents Tumblr's maximum message policy and worms her way into thousands of inboxes. Over the past few months, she's developed into something of an urban legend. In the end, Erica comes for us all.
Thanks to her ubiquity, Erica became a meme. There are audio recordings of her messages, at least one fake social networking profile (complete with Erica's instantly recognizable userpic, which is actually a photo of a real game designer named Alicia Crawford), and an increasing number of parody posts. Erica also provides a handy solution to other annoying messages on the site: simply paste the Erica Message into your reply, and post.It's only a matter of time before she fades into legend.
Photo via | Remix by Jason Reed