With the rise of #YesAllWomen, we’ve been talking a lot about male privilege and sexual entitlement, and how we live in a world that caters to the desires of straight white men at the expense of pretty much everyone else. The apotheosis of this discussion is Straight White Boys Texting, a Tumblr that compiles the best of the worst of straight white boys asking women for sex.
So ladies, how can you tell if a Straight White Boy is texting you? Well, for starters, he’ll probably open with asking if you want to play 20 Questions…
...which nvariably devolves into an FBI-level interrogation about your sexual history.
From there, the Straight White Boy will most likely segue into a discussion of his personal fitness and grooming habits.
That is, if he doesn’t just straight-up ask you for a blow job first.
Occasionally, the Straight White Boy will open with a little bit of gendered vegetable humor.
But that’s only if he's generous enough to share with you the punchline for his own joke.
a white boy tried to initiate a conversation with this text message
Some Straight White Boys are sensitive.
Others, not so much.
But they all share one defining trait: the ability to change the topic of any conversation to us showing them our tits.
But hey, ladies, who are we to deny them?
Photo by Style: Raw/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)